Celebrate Diversity With New Search Engine

Bates College 2017.
September 26, 2017
Bates College in Lewiston just created the first-of-its-kind diverse literature search engine to address the dearth of representation of our multicultural world in picture books.
The new website has the stated mission: “to diversify and balance bookshelves everywhere, that all our children can find themselves reflected and celebrated in libraries, schools and homes across the nation” and to “move the diverse books discussion beyond a focus simply on the lack of numbers to also consider content and impact by translating research findings so that they are accessible and useful.”
After a brief test of the search function, the site appears fluid and robust. It also features a “curated list” tab based on categories like Clean Water, Holidays, Folklore, New Siblings and School (among others).
Really wonderful new resource for readers, students, parents, and educators!