Wow! POW! WOW!

Eugene An, Feature Writer

Spray painting. Graffiti. Drawing and painting. Seems like everything in the world is a form of art. In early February, Mana’o Art Club took a field trip to the POW! WOW! in Kaka`ako.

Photo by Eugene An 2018.

POW! WOW! is a festival which has grown into a global network of artists and organizes gallery shows, lecture series, schools for art and music, mural projects. The many otherwise-plain walls around Kaka`ako were painted and given new meaning.

Artists came to Hawaii from all around the world to help give the community a little more beauty and vibrancy. Artists big and small. Famous and new. Professional and amateur.

Mana’o was lucky enough to tour some of the many pieces that the artists were working on, even meeting artists as they painted.

One highlight was the club was able to see the extremely popular creator of the brand Tokidoki, Simone Legno, working on a wall spreading his influence. The colors popped as he and his assistant lathered layer by layer on the wall. The friendly characters were given life with new colors and meaning.

Besides meeting Simone Legno, Mana’o also saw different types of art styles, including spray painting, crafts, and even a form of art where paper is pasted onto walls in certain ways to create unique works.

The POW! WOW! was a great experience, and expanded our view of different types of art forms and the impact that art has on our community. Everyone should go check out the newly painted walls that Kaka`ako is rocking.