Kalani Door-Decorating Contest!
December 19, 2019
Judges Lisa Hayashi and Schuyler Otani (alumna) toured the halls of Kalani High School on Monday, Dec. 16 to judge the Holiday Door Decorating Contest. Twenty-one Advisory classes participated with students decorating their classroom doors with holiday themes.
Aaron Orsatti’s classroom B-11 won best door decoration and the best overall decoration went to Krystal Fernandez B-22A.
For over two weeks, teachers worked with students to come up with an idea for the door, gather materials to make the idea come to life, and execute and produce the final product.
Scroll through the gallery to view some of the creations!
The winning door created by the Advisory class in B-11 with Mr. Orsatti. Photo by Starr Asuncion 2019.