Let’s Get Cooking!
Kiana Mizuno (10) and Rylee Umakoshi (11) fold apples into mini homemade pie crusts in Culinary & Nutrition class. Their teacher, Mrs. Miyoshi says that students do not use a recipe but must instead to learn to bake by taste. The students cook the Granny Smith apples in sugar, cinnamon and “a little bit of lemon juice” before filling their crusts. Photo by Emily Velasco.
November 23, 2021
Health & Nutrition, which will become Culinary & Nutrition next year, is a popular elective where students get to bake and cook many diverse dishes.
Rylee Umakoshi (11) and Kiana Mizuno (10) both agree that Health & Nutrition is an enjoyable class.
“I don’t always know what we’re going to cook next so that surprise is exciting,” Umakoshi expresses.
Mizuno states that usually half of the class will work at stations to cook, while classmates that aren’t cooking are given worksheets that relate to nutritional benefits.
“The environment is very friendly,” Umakoshi says. “Personally, I feel comfortable talking with quite a few of my classmates about the work.”
Umakoshi describes Mrs. Miyoshi as a “very kind and understanding” teacher who tries to incorporate diverse dishes into the class.
Along with learning about nutritional benefits, students have been able to make okonomiyaki, a savory pancake dish of Japanese origin, pizza, and cupcakes. Currently, the class is making banana bread.
“It did take a little while,” Umakoshi says. “As far as I know everybody’s came out really good.”
Mizuno adds that basic knowledge in the kitchen, such as how to use a stove and oven, is helpful.
“Patience definitely is a skill that’s required,” Umakoshi says, “Along with being able to work efficiently because sometimes you need to be able to multitask like if something is in the oven you need to be able to prep for the rest of the recipe, while also keeping an eye on the oven.”
Mizuno comments that the work is “definitely” worth it when the food comes out good. She believes the class will help her in the future.
“I learned quite a bit from her lessons about the different cooking utensils and what each one is used for,” Umakoshi says.