Bailey’s resilience triumphs over bullies

Mia Nishiguchi

Marlie Bailey, now at the age 15, is no longer being bullied.

Mia Nishiguchi, Profile

The recess bell rings once more at 9:45 a.m., just as it does every morning, as a tsunami of elementary schoolers comes running out of their classrooms. There are the popular kids, the lonely kids, the snack kids, and the tag kids. However, one more to add to the list—the victims. 

Marlie Bailey was verbally bullied in kindergarten in Arizona due to being the “new kid.”

Marlie Bailey, “the new kid,” was one of the victims.

“It really messes up a kid,” Marlie Bailey (9) expresses. “Especially when it starts at a young age. You lose confidence in yourself.”

Bailey would describe herself as a sarcastic and caring person. 

Jeannie Kim (9), a long-time friend, says that Bailey is incredibly honest and caring. Kim has known Bailey since the 6th grade but has recently gotten closer to her. 

“She has no trouble expressing herself, and she’s a very entertaining person,” Kim said.

Kim shares how she thinks Marlie would react to bullying.

“I think she would report the behavior if it continues and strive to gain justice,” Kim confidently exclaims.

Sadie Nakao, another close friend of Bailey’s, met her through Marching Band and says that Bailey is one of the funniest people she’s ever met. 

“Although she might be mean, she’s super nice once you get to know her,” Sadie Nakao (9) said.

When Bailey was the “new kid” growing up, moving from one place to another, her bully was a “popular kid.”

“Maybe she felt threatened,” Bailey reported. “Strange cause we were like six. She would verbally bully me every day.” 

Bailey would tell teachers about the bullying. However, they wouldn’t do anything about it. She resorted to telling her parents instead.

“The next day, my dad went into the office, and they called in her parents and talked to her; I’m not sure what they said, but she stopped,” Bailey said. 

Bailey’s bully ended up bullying someone else the year after and eventually left the school for good.

“I was never told why, whether it was her parents or the school’s fault, but she was gone,” Bailey explained. 

Nakao has never been bullied before. However, she knows how Bailey would react to the situation in current times.

“If she was bullied, I know she isn’t the one to cry and get insecure about it. She would honestly not care about what the bullies say about her and just move on,” Nakao said. 

Nakao says that she hates bullying.

“I think it’s so mean and disgusting to put others down,” Nakao explained. 

Kim says that bullying should never be taken lightly.

“Bullying sprouts from an individual’s insecurities,” Kim states. “Bullies resort to breaking the spirits of others in order to feel better about themselves, as they are simply incapable of dealing with their internal conflicts in a healthier method.”

Years later, Bailey has now become an improved and wonderful person. Bullying has left scars on her. However, she is now stronger than ever and has beaten the demonish beast of bullying and harassment.