Electives in high school are a great way to expand your knowledge and horizons toward future occupations. Kalani High School has a variety of electives that offer instruction in many different types of subjects. Students may also select electives for fun, searching for a new and different kind of hobby. An elective that has been part of Kalani’s program for quite some time is Ceramics, where students learn to handle clay, make art, and sculpt.
“I chose this class because I like to play with clay, I like being creative, doing new activities and new things,” Kellen Kobayashi (10) stated. ”I always have to think outside the box, some of our assignments make us have to focus and explore our minds.”
Ceramics offers several assignments that introduce students to arts and crafts. Students are free to explore the ideas that the teacher gives them. The program is a very innovative environment, as the need to be creative is very obvious in terms of ideas. Students can be seen making cups, pinch pots, sculptures, vases, and peace pots at levels greater than simplicity. However, not all students can find their creative flow in Ceramics, as it’s definitely hard to produce new projects.
“This class is all about how much work you’re putting in,” explained Raven Hotema (10). “You don’t have to be too great; you can just be learning. It’s not all about getting a better grade, more like, having fun.”
Ceramics can also relate to a more social aspect, as many students love sharing their ideas with one another and their families. The program motivates students to get off their phones and instead socialize with peers, creating an environment where students can just have fun. It’s especially rewarding once you finish a project and can show peers what you created.
“For a lot of my pieces, my family members ask me to make them for them, so I find those pretty meaningful for me because I’m all about family,” said Hotema (10).
Overall, Ceramics is a great class if you want to dive deeper into the creative process. It can also give you insight if you’re interested in pursuing a career in the Arts. Ceramics also supports people in opening up to ideas they think of, allowing students to express what they want.