Five advisory classes at Kalani participated in a door decorating contest in the weeks leading up to the winter holiday break. Ms. Tui Moe and her class at D-12 were the undisputed winners.
Ms. Masutani, Ms. Kristilina, Ms. April, Mr. Tyler and Ms. Tui and their advisory classes decorated their classroom doors to get into the spirit of Christmas. On Friday, Dec. 13 at recess, three judges, Ms. Waialae, Mr. Fish, and Ms. Nogami evaluated the doors by the following criteria:
Creativity: How original and imaginative the design is.
Use of Theme: How well the decorations represent the Christmas theme.
Effort and Detail: The amount of work put into the decorations.
Student Participation: The level of involvement and engagement of each student in the decorating process.
Overall Appearance: The visual impact of the door when viewed from a distance.
Ms. Tui hopes that the door-decorating contest will become an annual Christmas event and more classrooms will participate next year.