At Kalani High School, the vibrant halls are not just a backdrop for academic success but a runway for one’s expression. This year’s fashion scene has lit a spark among students, showcasing diverse styles that reflect individuality and culture.
From vintage thrift finds to cutting-edge streetwear, students embrace trends that tell their unique stories, turning everyday interactions into a celebration of self-expression and camaraderie. As the school year unfolds, the evolving fashion landscape becomes a focal point of school spirit and personal identity.
Y2K fashion has made a resurgence with students wearing butterfly clips, baggy jeans, and colorful crop tops. This blend of nostalgia and innovation makes Kalani’s fashion scene as dynamic as the students themselves.
“People can be very creative with their outfits here at Kalani, most people’s outfits are very nice and they treat the school as though it’s a fashion show,” Jericho Carlos (10) says.
Fashion is a way of expressing one’s self and many express themselves with streetwear fashion.
“I think I dress in streetwear,” Rain Suzuki (10) says. “I always see a bunch of random stuff and jeans and shoes.”
Fashion is life. Fashion is iconic. Fashion is expression. Fashion is used by everyone around the world to show off your inner self.
They also said fashion is “expressive” and “unique.”
“I’m bipolar when it comes to fashion,” Elsa Nor (11) says. “My whole closet is different, but I think my favorite style would be blinging Y2K.”